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The Scroll of

The Prophet Isaiah

A Film by Jake Kovnat

"I work after his voice and do exactly what he says to do...

He put up what colors he want. I don't know about them. " 


Director's Statement

One day, in May of 2018 as I was driving through Niagara Falls, NY, I passed a home unlike anything I had ever seen before. I slammed on the brakes and reversed to take some pictures of this stunning and unusual work of art tucked away in an otherwise unremarkable neighborhood. As I finished, a man who was sitting across the street called me over to talk. His name was Isaiah and the conversation that began on that day culminated in this short film. Maybe our encounter was meant to be.


Sadly, Isaiah passed away from a stroke in February, 2020. In honor of him, I hope you enjoy his story. 

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© 2019 Jake Kovnat

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